Friday, June 15, 2007

Keep on Truckin

Last Saturday I got in a big training run 40 plus or minus miles but who’s keeping track. Ron Farkash and I have been tossing the idea for a VT100 training run around for weeks and we finally came up with a game plan and agreed to meet up in the Wachusetts Mountain Ski parking lot for a romp. We set out on this crazy and fun adventure at 3PM sharp, we were ready for anything and everything and during the process discovered the perfect running spot. It was a wonderful day, except for the rain and fog; we got in 7 hours of running and definitely averaged around 40 miles. We ran the first 15-mile loop around Wachusetts Reservation quite fast and after re-fueling we made a conscious decision to slow things down on the next out-and-back section. During the later miles when I was dragging Ron keep me moving and when he was dragging I keep him moving, we made a good team which is the key ingredient to these unsupported long runs. The trails had a mix of technical stuff, single track, and jeep roads, plus it was always going up or down, we couldn’t have planned a better training run for Vermont, just wish it wasn't so overcast some of the views from the Wachusetts Mountain and Crow Ledges would have been spectacular to witness. The Midstate Trail is one of the best marked trails I've ventured out on, yellow triangle signs are every few feet and this really help during the foggy dark night run back to Wachusetts parking lot. On the way back we were lucky enough to fill our hydration packs with water from a garden hose but once night set in the fog really came on thick and we found ourselves running trail sign to trail sign I was very happy to be on a well marked trail. This is one adventure for the books and if you live in the area I highly recommend checking out this local treasure!

So much more to say but I have to get up early tomorrow for another long run and Sunday I’m running the Fairhaven Fathers Day Road Race with my dad and the kids, pushing the double jogger 6.2 miles is going to be a lot harder than last weeks 5K. I’m looking forward to June 23rd I have the Pemi Loop Challenge you can read all about this wild place here, this is going to be one heck of an adventure thanks to Sherpa John for organizing this one.

Be back soon!