Thursday, June 07, 2007
Quick Update
Busy being devoured by monsters!
• Monday: Rest/Recovery from 4 hour long run at Blue Hills Reservation and Corrib Classic 5K pushing kids in double jogger and finishing in 23 minutes, a 1st double jogger PR!
• Tuesday: 8 mile run to work, Core/Upper Body Workout at gym
• Wednesday: 6 miles - Felt it in the legs but thanks to Whey Protein I will be good to go tomorrow
• Thursday: 6 miles - Felt great
• Friday: Easy/Slow 3 miles - 3 mile power walk around Boston
• Saturday: 41 Mile Training run in and around Mount Wachusetts Starting at main parking lot of Mount Wachusetts Ski Lodge, along edge on the right side, near where trail enters woods. I have a good 15-mile loop around Wachusetts Reservation and I've done in the past so I know the trail a bit, we pick up Balance Rock Trail from the parking lot and take this to Semuhenna Trail and then hook up with the Bicentennial Trail to the Loop Trail and end up on top of Wachusetts. Then take Old Indian Trail back to parking lot re-fuel cross the parking lot and run a part of Midstate Trail north to Leominster State Forest about 26 miles out and back. For a total of 41 miles! This is going to be a fun run with tons of elevation gain and a good mix of challenging terrain. Lot's of great scenery….like Balance Rock, Crow Hill Ledges are really cool and so is Redemption Rock, plus the stunning views from atop Mt. Wachusetts.
• Sunday: 10 miles easy