Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I saw this bumper sticker on a car and it brought a smile to my face =) I’m going to be in Basking Ridge New Jersey this weekend, so I just checked mapquest for the closest state park and found Round Valley Recreation Area! Round Valley surrounds a crystal–clear lake and has three well marked trails. I plan to hit the the red-blazed Cushetunk Trail. From what I’ve read: Cushetunk trail surface is rugged, rocky and steep in places which make it a suitable place for a long run! I love discovering new trails…I can’t wait!!

On the horizon
My training for the Pisgah 50k is going well, I’ve been using the smaller races as training runs but have been finding my legs aren’t holding up to my race pace. It’s sort of a catch-22, to taper or not to taper??? With Wapack coming-up on September 3rd, I’m not sure if I should take the week easy or follow my normal training schedule? If I take it slow then I'll only be left with one more big training week and then taper September 10th-16th, if you can call this a taper. It’s a work in progress, plus I have the Stone Cat 50 in November (yes SC50 is a definite go!! I hope all the I miles I’ve accumulated this summer will pay off) so Pisgah 50k is now a training run too…LOL!! Blahhhhh!! To much thinking for one day, I’m going for a run..I need to clear my head!!

Have a good one!!