Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lemonade Diet

With the holidays approaching I’ve decided to give my digestive system a little rest until Turkey Day! To do this I’m trying the lemonade diet also called the maple syrup diet and lemon detox diet. The diet is based on the book The Master Cleanser by Stanley Burroughs. You basically fast and drink lemon water and maple syrup for 10 days. Tomorrow I’m planning to try a much shortened version of 4-5 days, still a big challenge. Okay, the drink is a little more complex, it’s contains fresh organic lemons, cayenne pepper and pure grade organic B maple syrup, mix this together and drink six to twelve glasses daily or when feeling hungry. I also bought ginger and molasses to add-in for extra flavor. For me it’s not about losing weight or a diet but a choice to cleanse my body and clear my mind. If you are looking to loose weight I truly believe eating in moderation is the best path and if you think about it is the very foundation for most weight programs, a good example is weight watchers. This diet encourages your body to eliminate many or all unwanted toxins. It will be very interesting to see how much self-discipline I have. So no solid foods, caffeine or alcohol for 4-5 days.....I can predict some serious headaches, should be an interesting few day’s! Heck it may only last a day or two; LOL I guess it all comes down to willpower something I like to test frequently.
